If you want to cancel a shipment you’ve booked, you have 29 days* to void it before it ships to receive a refund. After 29 days from the booking date, no shipment will qualify for a refund.
*If you have purchased additional insurance (through XCover by Cover Genius), you have 24 hours to void the shipment as long as the Parcel has not left the Originating Address.
Postdated Shipments
*If you have purchased additional insurance (through XCover by Cover Genius), AND postdated the shipment for a future date you have until 6:00 pm PST on the shipment date to void the shipment as long as the Parcel has not left the Originating Address. For example, if you create a shipment on 7-1 with a future shipment date of 7-3, and purchased additional insurance, you have until 6:00 pm PST on 7-3 to void the shipment.
Click the History/Track tab.
Next to the shipment you wish to void, select the dropdown arrow.
Then select Void Shipment.
Your shipping status goes fromto
. Once the status has changed to “Voided”, the postage for that shipment is returned from your prepay balance (if that is the source it was deducted from). You can view your Prepay balance in the top right corner.
You can also view the void in Prepay History located in Payment Settings.