XPS WebShip

Printer Setup

Click the Settings tab.


Under “User Settings” select “Printer Setup”.

Select the size of your label from the drop-down, and click "Save Changes".


Under the Paper size section there are a few additional options:

  • Include receipt when printing label: allows you to add a receipt to the label being created. The label receipt provides the Sender & Receiver info, tracking information, & quote, and billing info.

  • Print receipt side by side with label when paper size is 8.5 x 11: This will print both the label and the receipt on one sheet when the paper size is 8.5 x 11.

  • Hide Billing info on receipt: Removes the quote and billing information from the receipt

  • Use Zebra Printer format when available and connected to WebshipLink: Sends the label in a ZPL format. To learn more visit the Help Center article Zebra Printer: Not Printing Correctly/ Enable ZPL Format

  • Download labels from ship screen instead of printing: This will download the label after booking a shipment from the Ship tab instead of sending it to the printer.

  • Manage logos on labels: to learn more about logo options visit the Help Center article: Add a Logo to a Shipping Label


It is recommended to print a test label after making your selections to be sure the label will print according to your needs.



Webshiplink is an alternate method of printing that will automatically print labels from the Ship tab without any additional involvement necessary from the user. In addition, when printing from the Batch tab, the labels will be generated one at a time and sent to the printer instead of waiting for all labels to generate before allowing the first label to print.

To enable this feature, check the box next to " Print labels via the ship and batch tabs using XPS Ship WebshipLink". Add a Printer Name and click "Add Printer"


This will provide you with a printer token. Copy the token as you will paste it in a later step.


Tip: if you click the copy icon next to the token, it will copy to your clipboard.


Next, you will need to install the WebshipLink. Click the link to launch the installer.


The setup installer will show in the bottom right corner of the screen (using Google Chrome)


Open the installer and let it run. When finished, you will be asked to provide the printer token from the previous step. Paste the token and select a printer from the drop-down menu.


The system will connect to the printer automatically. A green dot will display indicating the printer is connected.


When successfully connected, you will also see the Status of "Connected" within the Printer Setup page.


Multiple printers are supported with this process. If additional printers are necessary, repeat the above steps to add additional printers. Be sure to set a printer as a default by clicking next to the printer you wish to be the default.


Click "Save Changes" after making your selections.


**In order for printing to work you will need to have the WebshipLink app open. On the right hand of the Ship or Batch screen, it should show connected.

If it is showing "Printer Status: Not connected" in red, open the WebshipLink app.


It should now show green and be connected.


If you would like to have the Webshiplink app open automatically visit the help center article: Configuring Webshiplink to Automatically Startup for Windows

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