XPS WebShip

Include a Receipt When Printing Labels

Within the Printer Setup options, the following steps will allow you to include a receipt to be printed with the label being created. The label receipt provides the sender & receiver info, tracking information, & shipping cost information.

To enable receipts to be printed along with the shipping labels follow the steps below.

Click the Settings tab.

Under “User Settings” select “Printer Setup”.


Check the box to “Include receipt when printing labels”. Click "Save Changes"


After creating a label, the receipt preview will display after the label.


There are some items on the label receipt that you may wish to hide, for instance, the quote and billing party information. If you wish to hide this type of detail on the receipt, go back to the Printer Settings page and check the box to “Hide billing info on receipt”.


Click "Save Changes" to keep the changes to the label settings.


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