XPS WebShip

Setting a Separate Return Address

Sometimes while shipping, an address separate from the origin address needs to be used in the event the item needs to be returned. The below documentation explains how to change the address for a separate return address. This change is useful if you are drop-shipping.

**If you want to use a Separate Return Address for all shipments under a particular user, visit the Help Center Article: Setting a Default Return Address.

  1. Select the Ship tab.


  2. Select an order or fill out your shipment information.

  3. When the Sender and Receiver info is filled in, click the Return address is different from sender address checkbox.


    You can now enter new information that is put on the label for the return address. The boxes highlighted in RED indicate required fields.


    The separate return address appears on the shipping label.


    The "Return To" information in the History/Track page for that shipment is also displayed.


Creating a Rule to Use a Separate Return Address

If you would like to create a rule to apply a Separate Return Address for eCommerce orders from an integration that meets specific conditions, you can do so in the Rules settings:

  1. First, you need to add the Return Address as well as a Custom ID within the address book.

  2. Click the Address Book tab.

  3. Click the Add Address button.

    When selected, an Address Details dialog displays.

  4. Fill out the recipient information. Make sure to include a name (which can be anything you would like to identify this contact) in the Custom Address Id field, the name is required for the contact to show as an override option within rules.

  5. Click Save when done.

    *If the Address you would like to use has previously been added to the Address Book, you can select the edit option to add the custom ID if it is not already present.

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  6. Next, you can create the Rule to use the address you added as the “Return To” override.

  7. Click the Settings tab.

  8. Under Commerce select Rules.

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  9. Click Create New Rule.

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  10. Begin by establishing the “Condition” on the left side of the rule box by applying a filter that corresponds to the orders you want the rule to target. For this example, select “WooCommerce” from the Integration dropdown and specify a weight range of 50-70 lbs.

  11. Next, on the right side in the Actions section, choose Return Address from the dropdown and select your desired address.

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  12. Click Save in the top right corner to complete the rule setup.

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    For more details visit the Help Center article: eCommerce Integration Rules.

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