If you have added your own FedEx account to the platform, it will give you the FedEx Dry Ice option when creating a shipment. Note: Dry Ice is considered a hazardous material and additional fees will apply.
*Dry ice is not permitted with any FedEx One Rate shipments.
To use the FedEx Dry Ice option, you will need the following:
Your own FedEx account on file in the platform. If you have not added a FedEx account visit Carrier Accounts for instructions.
You will need to contact XPS Ship customer service at 1.800.881.0288 and ask them to enable the FedEx Dry Ice option in the platform.
You will need to adjust the “Dropoff Type” to Regular Pickup, Request Courrier, or Station.
Click the Settings tab.
Under “Admin Settings” select “Carrier/Provider Accounts”
Here you will see a list of carrier accounts. Select “Edit” next to your FedEx account.
From "Dropoff Type" select Regular Pickup, Request Courrier, or Station, and select "Save Changes".
Creating a Dry Ice Shipment
FedEx supports Dry Ice for the following services:
Priority Overnight
Standard Overnight
2 Day
2 Day AM
Express Saver
International Economy
Home Delivery
Check the FedEx Service Guide for additional information related to Dry Ice Shipping
In the Ship screen after selecting an eligible FedEx service and package type, select the checkbox for “Dry Ice”.
Enter the Dry Ice weight and proceed to book the shipment.
The quote will display the Dry Ice Fee and the label will indicate that the shipment contains Dry Ice.