XPS WebShip

Adding a UPS account (Legacy Version)

UPS Legacy (Will be discontinued in June 2024)

After selecting “Add” on the UPS account option, you will be asked if you would like to use the new UPS account setup process, select “No”.

Select the settings tab located at the top right of the navigation bar.

Under “Admin Settings” select “Carrier/Provider Accounts”

Click “Add Carrier/Provider Account”.

To add UPS, you must have your account details from UPS. You must include the details of the most recent invoice issued if you have received a UPS invoice in the last 90 days (US or CA) or 45 days (any other country).

After selecting Add on the UPS account option you will be brought to the Technology Agreement screen, scroll down and click Accept" to continue.

Enter the UPS account credentials for your account. Below is a sample UPS invoice and the corresponding fields in XPS Ship.

If you have received a UPS invoice in the last 90 days (US or CA) or 45 days (any other country), you must check the box and include the details of the most recent invoice. If you have not received a UPS invoice in the last 90 days(US or CA) or 45 days (any other country) leave the box unchecked.

Select "Connect UPS Account" to save. When the account has been successfully connected, refresh the browser or log out and back into XPS Ship to see UPS as an available option when shipping.

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