If a customer places multiple orders through a shopping cart, marketplace, or other integration where the items are all being shipped to the same location, the platform supports the option to merge the orders together and process them as one. This allows the shipper to create one shipment instead of multiple to save time and money on shipping costs.
To use the Order Merge option, select an order from the Orders List.
If multiple orders are recognized with the same shipping address, an alert will be displayed at the top of the page. Click the "Order Merge Options" button to expand the page and display the matching orders.
Orders with identical addresses will be displayed. Verify that the addresses look correct. You can use the checkboxes next to each Order Number to include or exclude orders from the merge if necessary. When you are ready to merge the orders, click the “Merge Orders” button.
The orders list on the left will be updated and the order(s) merged will be removed from the list. The items list on the right will also be updated to include the items from both orders. **Please note that partial shipments will no longer be available after merging an order and when using the Batch process to create your order, the merged orders will be combined into one and not separate in Batch.
Continue to process the order as usual by selecting the Service, Packaging, and Shipment details.
If you need to un-merge an order, you can do so before the label process has been completed. At the top of the screen you will see a blue box with the option to "Unmerge Orders".
Click the "Un-merge Orders" button and a confirmation will appear indicating the orders have been un-merged and the box will show up as it did before to allow you to merge the orders.
Once the orders have been fulfilled and the labels created, you can view the history for the order information. On the right side of the screen under Custom Order Details, you will see the 2 orders combined into a single shipment. This is also where any errors related to the shopping cart will be displayed.