XPS WebShip

How to Retry Marking Orders as Shipped After Resolving Update Errors

If your eCommerce platform is not updating the information after the shipment has been booked and showing an update error on the History/Track page you will first want to follow the steps in the corresponding Help Center article to resolve the issue. This could include adding additional permissions, adding inventory location, or whitelisting our IP Address.

After resolving the issue, you can return to the History/Track page to retry marking the order(s) as shipped.

Retry a Single Shipment

Click the History/Track tab.


Next to the shipment, you wish to retry, select the drop-down arrow.


Select "Retry Marking Order as Shipped" from the dropdown arrow next to the shipment.


Retry Multiple Shipments

Click the History/Track tab.


Select the "Filter/Export” button on the top right.


From here you can narrow your search results by selecting:

A specific date or within a date range

Only show orders with eCommerce integration errors


After selecting "Search" you will see a list of all your shipments with integration errors and within the date range.


In the top right select the option for "Retry Marking all Orders as Shipped".


If successful, the update errors should change to say "Updated".


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