XPS WebShip

CSV Mapping with Multiple Products

If you have more than one product in an order you will need to add extra lines in the CSV with the same order ID and the extra product information. Only Include the Order ID and the product information do not add anything else or it will be treated as an additional shipment.

Product information can include:

  • Product ID

  • Product SKU

  • Product Title

  • Product Price

  • Product Quantity

  • Product Shipping Weight

  • Product Pick Location

  • Product Attribute

  • Product variant name

  • Product variant value

  • Product ECCN

Below is an example of a CSV with multiple products.


In the example, there are 3 different orders 1000, 1001, and 1002, each identified by the order ID. Note: a specific order ID can only be used once while using that CSV integration. If the same ID is uploaded again the platform will consider it as a duplicate order.


Each line can contain the order ID and product information such as shown here: Product Quantity, Product SKU, Product Title, Product Price, and Product Shipping Weight.


Additional information, such as the Receiver Name, Phone Number, Company, Address, City, State, Zip, and Country Code should only be on the first line of the order or it will treat as an additional shipment.


Since the Order ID is required you would leave the box unchecked in the CSV integrations setting for "Auto generate a unique order ID if not provided". Next, you will edit column mappings to match your CSV.

For complete instructions visit the help center article: CSV Mapping Explained


After uploading your CSV successfully they will appear in pending orders on the Ship screen.


After selecting an order, you will also see a list of the products appear on the right side, under Packing Slip.


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