This article is an overview of CSV mapping. This will define what the column options are for, and how to use them.
The following are the minimum requirements in mapping to upload an order with CSV.
Receiver Name: The person’s name that is getting the package.
Receiver Address Line 1: Address of the person getting the package.
Receiver Address Line 2: Apt, Suite, Unit, etc. for the person getting the package.
Receiver City: City of the person getting the package.
Receiver State: State of the person getting the package.
Receiver Zip: Zip code of the person getting the package.
Receiver Country Code: Country of the person getting the package.
Receiver Phone Number: If shipping FedEx or UPS they will require a phone number (it doesn’t have to be the receiver's actual number however, it is preferred).
If the CSV does not have a column option with a unique order ID for each order, check the box next to Blank Order ID to "Auto-generate a unique order ID if not provided". This is required when shipments are generated.
Check the "Skip Duplicate Address Check" box if sending different packages to the same person.
If the CSV file has a header row, check the box for "Header Row". This will skip the header to prevent it from being uploaded as an address.
Optional Mapping Fields and Uses
Order ID: This is the unique ID that needs to be used in the platform so that the order can be uploaded. If a specific ID is desired, it can be entered. Note: a specific order ID can only be used once while using that CSV integration. If the same ID is uploaded again the platform will consider it as a duplicate order.
Order Date: This would be used if orders came in on different days and you want to be able to sort or search for them by the order date. For example, if you don’t ship on the weekend and you come into several orders on Monday that had come in over the weekend one can search using the order date. This only works when on the batch Tab.
Order Number: Usually the internal order number that is used for your company's records. When looking for a specific order in the Batch or History/Track tabs, it can be found using the order number.
Shipping Service Selected: You can note the shipping service being used. Three reasons this is helpful are:
To automate selecting the shipping service you want to use. In order for this option to work, you need to set up rules. For more information visit the Help Center article: eCommerce Integration Rules
A way to filter and mass edit the orders in the batch page by the shipping service selected.
If selecting orders from the Ship screen, the shipping service will be listed when creating the shipment to help the sender know what service was selected.
Order Group: Use this option to put orders into groups. Reasons to group orders:
If multiple or 3PL companies are shipping with the same XPS/Webship account this would allow group names or numbers to be set in order to keep the orders separated.
Can filter by Order Group in the Batch tab.
Can use group when setting rules.
Package Length, Package Width, Package Height: Use this to set the dimensions of the box used to ship the order. The dimension will upload after you select orders and do a mass edit. Set a service type and the package type to "my own" or "custom package." The dimensions will also auto-populate if you ship orders manually on the Ship tab and you select "Your Packaging" or "Customer Supplied Package".
Order Weight: This can be used in 2 different ways:
You can put the total weight of the order and upload it into XPS.
You can put how much the box and packaging will weigh and then use Product Shipping Weight to add the weight of the product. The platform will then calculate the two to give you your total order weight. It is important to know it will do this as you can easily double the weight.
Shipping Total: Use this to note how much the customer paid for shipping. This is useful if you are uploading a batch and then manually shipping the packages from the Ship tab.
Po Number: This would be a purchase order number normally used to send products from distribution to a retailer. FedEx and UPS have the PO field on their labels that allow you to include it for the person receiving the package.
Print Order: This is used if you want to set the print order for your orders. It is only used in the batch tab you can filter it by print order and have your orders print in a specific order this would be useful if you are using the platform to print a pick list/order summary as well.
Shipper Reference: This is the shipping reference that prints out on the label. It can be anything you want it to be. It is often an order number, or the type of content shipped. It can also be used to search in the shipment history screen.
Shipper Reference 2: This is used to have a second on the shipment, but it may not be visible on the label depending on the carrier used. (USPS allows a second reference field whereas FedEx and UPS do not) It can include anything you want. It can also be used to search in the shipment history screen.
Department Number: Would be used to include any Departments created in XPS Ship (see article Departments) Used to apply the department without having to select it when you ship.
Sender info: Used to upload the shipper's information.
We recommend ignoring this as your information is already in the system.
Also, you can use the override option in the CSV integration as this will prevent issues.
If you do map the Sender info, make sure to include the Sender Company, Sender Country Code, and Sender Phone.
Return Info: Used if you are using a return address that is different from the shipper’s address. You can also use the "Override Return To Address" in the CSV integration settings page to set this. We recommend doing it this way instead of uploading it.
Product ID: This is a way to identify your product if it differs from an SKU.
Product SKU: This would be the SKU that the sender is using to identify the item in their system.
Product Title: The description of the item that the sender uses.
Product Price: The price of the unit.
Product Quantity: How many units are you sending. This is required when using additional product information such as Product Title, Product Price, and Product Attribute.
Product Shipping Weight: How much each unit weighs.
Product Attribute: Additional characteristics of a product such as (Size: L) or (Color: Black).
Product Variant Name: The category type of an attribute such as (Size) or (Color).
Product Variant Value: The variant value of the item such as (L) or (Black).
Product ECCN: The ECCN number of the item. If your item falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Commerce and is not listed on the CCL, it is designated as EAR99. Visit: What is an ECCN or EAR99 number?
Product HTS Number: The Harmonized Tariff Schedule Number.
VAT/IOSS: The VAT/IOSS number for international orders. Visit: VAT Number Field for International Shipments
VAT/IOSS Tax ID Issuer Country Code: If a VAT/IOSS Number is added, this will populate the country field.
Product info is used for commercial invoices and generating a picklist. If you have more than one product on an order, you will need to add extra lines in CSV with the same order ID and the extra Product Information. Only Include the Order ID and the Product info do not add anything else, or it will treat as an additional shipment.
Required fields for international shipments in the Batch screen
Receiver Name
Receiver Address Line 1
Receiver Address Line 2: If applicable.
Receiver City
Receiver State: If available for that country.
Receiver Zip
Receiver Country Code
Receiver Phone Number
Product Title: Description of the item for commercial invoice.
Product Price
Product Quantity
Product Shipping Weight