The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of importing CSV orders from a file to XPS Ship.
To add a CSV integration, select the Settings tab.
Under “eCommerce” select “eCommerce Integrations”
Click "Add eCommerce Integration".
Select CSV
General Settings
Add an Integration name, “CSV” will be the default but it can be changed to anything you’d like.
Check the box if you want to have a confirmation email sent when orders are fulfilled
By default, the Active box will be checked.
Check the box if you want to Skip address Pre Verification on orders.
Check the box Include Packing slips in the confirmation email if you’d like the packing slips included with the confirmation email once labels have been generated.
CSV Settings
You have the option to the skip header row on import. Check this if the first row of your CSV file is irrelevant to shipping information, such as the column headings or a blank row.
If your CSV file does not include a column for Order ID make sure to check the "Auto generate unique order ID if not provided" box
Click "Edit Column Mappings".
Use the "Add Column" button to add new columns.
Use the dropdown arrow to match the columns to your CSV file. Be very precise in your ordering.
For more information visit the Help Center article: CSV Mapping
Once all columns in the CSV have been mapped, select "Done".
Select "Save New Integration".
Uploading a CSV
Now that the CSV is set up, you can upload CSV files to process orders.
Click the Ship tab.
Select the "Upload CSV" icon located in the Orders section of the Ship screen.
Select your saved file from your computer and click “open”.
Your file will now upload. If successful, you will receive a message that the orders have been successfully uploaded and your orders will appear in the Orders window on the left of the page.
To ship the order, select it from the orders menu. Select the first order and it will fill in the Receiver information. Select the carrier, packaging and add/edit any info as needed.
When all details have been selected, you will get the quote and can proceed to book the shipment.
After the shipment is booked, it will be removed from your pending orders list. Continue to select the next order until all orders have labels prepared.
Managing CSV Orders
To see the files that have been uploaded, click the Settings tab.
Under “eCommerce” select “CSV Uploads”.
You will see a list of files uploaded. If you need to delete a file that has been uploaded, click the Red "X" at the far right of the order.