XPS WebShip

WooCommerce Integrated Quoting (LEGACY)

WooCommerce is now an option to use the Integrated Quoting feature. The below guide will walk you through the process of setting up your WooCommerce and XPS Ship account for integrated quoting. You must have your WooCommerce Integration already setup before adding up the integrated quoting feature.

A few items to note before setting up integrated quoting:

  1. All items will need weights programmed into your WooCommerce site in order to quote properly

  2. If an order contains multiple items, the system will assume you are packaging the items in the same box and not as separate orders.

To begin, log in to your Word Press account


Hover over the Plugins option in the menu on the left side of the page. Click "Add New"


In the Keyword Search at the top right of the page, search woocommerce webship


The search results will return the Woocommerce Webship Integrated Quoting plugin. Click the "Install Now" button


After installing, click the blue "Activate" button


From the menu on the left, click "WooCommerce", then "Settings"

Click the "Shipping" Tab


Click "Webship Integrated Quoting"


You will see the Webship Integrated quoting options


Leave the page open and open a new browser tab to login to your XPS Ship Account


Click the Settings icon from the top right corner.


Under eCommerce select eCommerce Integrations


Locate your WooCommerce Integration from the list


Scroll to the bottom of the integration, you will see the WooCommerce Integrated Quoting Options.

Click the copy button next to the URL listed in the URL field, it will be copied to your clipboard


Go back to your WooCommerce account and paste the URL in the URL field


Return to XPS Ship. Click the copy button next to the API Key field, it will be copied to your clipboard


Return to your WooCommerce account and paste the API Key in the API Key field


Check the box to "Enable Integrated Quoting" and click "Save Changes"


Return to XPS Ship, click "Save Changes" on the integration


Now you can set upIntegrated Quoting in XPS Shipping

Click the Settings icon in the navigation bar


Under eCommerce select Integrated Quoting


Click Add Integrated Quoting Option


Add the Name of your Shipping Service. For example, upon checkout your customers may have options such as Standard Shipping, or Expedited Shipping this would be the name you enter here


Select the Service Type that you would select upon booking the shipment. For Example, if a customer selects Standard Shipping at checkout and you process all Standard Shipping orders as FedEx Home Delivery, you would select that service type here:


Click "Save Changes" when the Service Name and Type has been entered


Markup Option

The second piece of the Integrated quoting is the markup option. If you choose to pass through your rates with no markup, you can now exit the Integrated Quoting screen, however, if you choose to add a flat rate or percentage markup to your cost, continue with the below instructions.

Choose whether you would like your rate to be a Flat Rate Markup or a Percentage Markup


Enter the markup amount with no dollar or percent symbols. For example, if you wanted to markup your rate by 5% on top of your cost, you would choose Percent Markup from the drop-down menu and enter 5 in the box to the right and click SAVE when finished


Choose if you want to include a Package Weight Markup, this would add the package weight plus the item weight to equal the total weight for the package being quoted. You could use thisif you wanted to markup weight to account for the box and filler material on top of your item weight listed.


You can continue to add additional services as necessary by clicking Add Integrated Quoting Option again until all services have been marked up accordingly.

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