XPS WebShip

Weebly: Uploading Orders from a CSV File

If your Weebly store was created through Square and does not currently support the Weebly Store Integration steps you can upload your orders as a CSV. Follow the steps below.

Open a new browser tab and log in to your Weebly account.


Select "Orders" from the menu options on the left.


Select "Export Orders" in the top right.


Choose a timeframe from among the following options:

All orders: This will export every order you've received.

Orders since you last did an export: This will download all the data that's been collected since the last time you ran an export. If you've never exported any data previously, it will export all orders.

Orders within a specific date range: You select the date range for the export, using YYYY-MM-DD format.


For Report type choose "Standard report".


Next, for the file format choose “Export CSV File”.


Once you’ve made your selections, click Export and you’ll receive an email with a link to download the file.


You can now upload the CSV file, log in to XPS Ship.

Click the Settings tab.

Under “eCommerce” select “eCommerce Integrations”.

Graphical user interface, textDescription automatically generated

Click "Add eCommerce Integration".

Select CSV


General Settings

  • Add an Integration name, “CSV” will be the default but it can be changed to anything you’d like.

  • Check the box if you want to have a confirmation email sent when orders are fulfilled

  • By default, the Active box will be checked.

  • Check the box if you want to Skip address Pre Verification on orders.

  • Check the box Include Packing slips in the confirmation email if you’d like the packing slips included with the confirmation email once labels have been generated.


CSV Settings

  • You have the option to the skip header row on import. Check this if the first row of your CSV file is irrelevant to shipping information, such as the column headings or a blank row.

  • Since your Weebly CSV file does include a column for Order ID, you do not need to check the "Auto-generate unique order ID if not provided" box.


Click "Edit Column Mappings".


Use the "Add Column" button to add new columns.


Use the dropdown arrow to match the columns to your CSV file fields up to AK.

The fields should map as follows:

  • A. Order ID

  • B. Order Date

  • O. Receiver First Name

  • P. Receiver Last Name

  • Q. Receiver Email

  • R. Receiver Address Line 1

  • S. Receiver Address Line 2

  • T. Receiver Zip

  • U. Receiver City

  • V. Receiver State

  • W. Receiver Country Code

  • X. Receiver Phone

  • AF. Product Id

  • AG. Product SKU

  • AH. Product Title

  • AJ. Product Quantity

  • AK. Product Price

Select "Ignore" on all other fields not listed above.

Once all columns in the CSV have been mapped, select "Done".


Select "Save New Integration".


Uploading a CSV

Now that the CSV is set up, you can upload CSV files to process orders.

Select the Ship tab.


Select the "Upload CSV" icon located in the Orders section of the Ship page.


Select your saved file from your computer and click “open”.


Your file will now load. If successful, you will receive a message that the orders have been successfully uploaded and your orders will appear in the Orders window on the left of the page.


To ship the order, select it from the orders menu. The details of the order will be populated on the Ship tab for you. Select the first order and it will fill in the Receiver information. Select the carrier, packaging, and add/edit any info as needed.


When all details have been selected, you will get the quote and can proceed to book the shipment.


After the shipment is booked, it will be removed from your pending orders list. Continue to select the next order until all orders have labels prepared.

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