XPS WebShip

NetSuite Integration

This guide will walk you through connecting your NetSuite account to XPS.

Create a New Integration in the NetSuite Admin

After logging into your NetSuite account, navigate through the menu to the new integration screen.

Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New.


Fill out the Name (We recommend entering "XPS Ship" in that name field).

Ensure that:

“Token-based Authentication” IS checked.

"TBA Authorization Flow" is NOT checked.

Under “OAuth 2.0” > "Authorization Code Grant" is NOT checked.

Then select “Save”.

There are 3 items you will need to obtain from this page that will be pasted into the NetSuite integration page within XPS Ship:

  • Application ID

  • Consumer Key

  • Consumer Secret

Copy these 3 items as you will need to paste them into your NetSuite Integration settings for XPS in the next step.


Open a new browser window and log in to your XPS Ship Account.

Click the Settings tab.


Under “eCommerce” select “eCommerce Integrations”.


Click "Add eCommerce Integration".


Select NetSuite


General Settings:

  • Add an Integration Name, “NetSuite” will be the default, but it can be changed to anything you’d like.

  • Check the box if you want to have a confirmation email sent when orders are fulfilled.

  • By default, the Active box will be checked.

  • Check the box if you want to Skip address Pre Verification on orders.

  • Check the box “Include Packing slips in confirmation email” if you’d like the packing slips included with the confirmation email once labels have been generated.


NetSuite Settings

Paste the Application ID, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret copied earlier.


Create a new Access Token in the NetSuite Admin

Return to the NetSuite home page. Navigate through the menu to the new Access Token screen.

Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.


Note: If you do not have ‘Access Tokens’, you have to enable this feature in NetSuite.

Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud tab. Under Manage Authentication, enable Token-Based Authentication.

Application Name- We recommend naming the application "XPS Ship".

User- Select a User with the "Warehouse Manager" Role. Note: You have to attach the role to the user before creating the access token.

Role- Select "Warehouse Manager".

Token Name- Enter "XPS Ship".

Then click "Save".


There are 2 items you will need to copy from this page that will be pasted into the NetSuite integration page within XPS Ship:

  • Token ID

  • Token Secret

Copy these 2 items to be pasted into your NetSuite integration settings in the next step.


Return to your NetSuite Integration setting in XPS Ship and paste the Token ID and Token Secret into the corresponding fields.


Subsidiary: You will first need to finish the remaining steps and save the integration to connect, return to this option and it will allow you to select the subsidiary from the drop down. Then click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the integration settings. *Required if subsidiaries are set up.

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Role ID- Enter the Role ID for Warehouse Manager.


Note: To locate the Role ID, access NetSuite and click Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. The role ID is displayed in the Internal ID column.


Account number- Enter your NetSuite Account number. To locate your account number within NetSuite go to Setup > Integration > SOAP Web Services Preferences > Account ID. Note: If your account number contains letters, they MUST be capitalized.

Search Limit- We recommend leaving this at the default of 100. Increasing this number may slow the orders from pulling into XPS Ship.

NetSuite Data Center- Leave this field blank.


The default status for sales orders that will pull into XPS Ship is “Pending Fulfillment”, you can also choose the options to bring in Partially Fulfilled and Pending Billing sales orders.

Partially Fulfilled Orders: Check to Include Partially Fulfilled orders. Does not affect NetSuite Inventory Mode.

Pending Billing Orders: Check to include Pending Billing Orders.

NetSuite Inventory Mode: Enabling this setting will only pull orders that are in the packed and or picked status that you check. This will also then mark the fulfillment item as shipped when the shipment is processed in XPS Ship.

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NetSuite WMS Shipping Integration: Check to Include shipping values from the NetSuite Shipping Integration.
WMS Ship Manifest ID:

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Order Number Format (Optional)- If you have chosen to have XPS Ship bring in Fulfilment Items you can select what is put and displayed in XPS Ship for the Order Number field. The three options are "Item Fulfilment ID", "Sales Order ID", or a combination of both of them called "Sales Order ID and Item Fulfilment ID."

Default Shipping Item ID (Optional)- Here you can add the Shipping Service ID that you want to default. This is useful if you want to only update the Fulfilments with one service. If you need to update based on Carrier and service selected see the setting for "Shipping Item Mapping".

Item Field Mapping- This will allow you to select what you would like XPS Ship to display for the SKU and Item Title.


Shipping Item Mapping- This setting is used so you are able to map out the Carrier Services in XPS Ship to the Services programmed in NetSuite if you notice the updates are not going through.


Skip Order Update (Optional)-Check this box if you want your order status to remain unchanged in NetSuite after booking.

Map Order Group to NetSuite Custom Field (Optional)-This allows you to map out the XPS Ship Field of Order group to a custom field from NetSuite. Order Group is a way of filtering in the Batch and Ship screen. Place the custom field id in the field.

Load Orders With Age Less Than- The default for NetSuite is 10 days, if you would like to pull orders older, enter in the number of days back you would like to pull. For example, if you enter "30" it will pull all the orders that have not shipped for the last 30 days


Filter Orders by Custom Field(Optional)-This setting allows XPS Ship software to filter and display orders that match this filter. You will enter in the custom ID Field under "Field Name Script ID" and the value ID under "Field Value InternalId".

If the orders are not being filtered after entering this information it means that the field that we are trying to filter by is not indexed so NetSuite will not allow us to search by this field.

To index a custom field to be included in global search, set the globalsearch field value to T.


Filter By Sales Channel- This setting allows you to filter and only display orders from a specific Sales Channel. You will need to put in the Internal ID from NetSuite to filter.

Quoted Shipping Cost- Check this setting if you would like XPS Ship to update the shipping cost with the quote received in XPS Ship. The default behavior without this option checked will pass the same cost of shipment that is placed before processing the shipment.

  • Add a Fixed Markup- If you would like to add a flat markup amount to the shipping cost from XPS when it is updated in NetSuite, you can place the amount to add to the shipping cost here.

Fulfillable Items (Optional)-This setting allows XPS to filter items by category. If an order has items not included in this list, XPS will not import them. If all items are fulfillable, simply remove all categories in the list.

Shipping Method Carrier Map (Optional)-


Shipping Method Service Map: You will first need to finish the remaining steps and save the integration to connect, return to this option and it will allow you to select the NetSuite Shipping Item from the drop down. Then click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the integration settings.

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ITN Custom Field ID: In NetSuite, create a custom field that represents an ITN Number. Enter the ID of the Custom Field below. After booking shipments through XPS, NetSuite orders containing the custom field will automatically be updated with the ITN number.

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Clear Product Cache-This is a troubleshooting feature. You would select “Clear” if you notice that the product title, picture, pricing, or weight did not match the most updated information on your NetSuite site.


Additional settings are available related to the Sender and Return To address. Edit if necessary to your integration.

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After filling in the required fields, click "Save New Integration".


When the integration has been saved, you will see that the connection has been established at the top of the page. Orders will start syncing and will appear in the shipping area, this may take a few minutes.


Available Features

XPS Ship’s integration to NetSuite supports the following as defined in the Integration Features Glossary


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