Integrating your XPS Ship account with Magento allows your customers’ orders to be directly transferred from Magento to your profile, providing quick and easy shipping. Orders will be marked as “Shipped” on Magento and will send a tracking number once the shipping label has been generated.
Pre-Setup Preparation
The following process will show you how to obtain the necessary information needed to integrate Magento with your XPS account. You will need to have your company information and Magento credentials on hand.
Note: You must have version 1.9 or higher for this integration to work.
Creating a User
Log into your Magento Admin account. This can be done with most accounts by adding /admin/ to the end of your store URL.
Once logged in, go to System> Web Services> SOAP/XML-RPC-Users.
In the top right, select “+Add New User”.
Fill out the required information. The Username and API Key can be whatever you want them to be. Copy the User Name and API Key, as you will need to paste them into your Magento Integration settings for XPS in a later step.
When done adding the new user, click "Save User".
Next, go to “System”> “Web Services”> “SOAP/XML-RPC-Roles”.
Select “+Add New Role”.
Enter a “Role Name” (it can be anything) and enter the current admin password.
On the left side select “Role Resources”.
Next to “Resource Access” use the dropdown box to select “All".
Then select “Save Role” in the top right.
Go back to "Users".
Select the user you just created. Select “User Role” on the left side.
Select the role you’ve just previously created.
Then select "Save User" in the top right.
Add a Magento Integration
Open a new browser window and log in to your XPS Ship Account.
Click the Settings tab
Under “eCommerce” select “eCommerce Integrations”
Select “Add eCommerce Integration”.
Select Magento.
General Settings
Add an Integration Name, “Magento” will be the default, but it can be changed to anything you’d like.
Check the box if you want to have a confirmation email sent when orders are fulfilled.
By default, the Active box will be checked.
Check the box if you want to Skip address Pre-Verification on orders.
Check the box “Include Packing slips in confirmation email” if you’d like the packing slips included with the confirmation email once labels have been generated.
Magento Settings
Enter the Store URL
Enter the API User Name
Enter the API Key
Enter the type of Pending Order Statuses you wish to pull into your orders list in XPS Ship. Orders with the status of "processing" are the default.
If you want your order status to remain unchanged in Magento after booking, check the box “Don’t update Magento order after booking shipment”.
If you wish to retrieve unpaid orders as well, check the box “Retrieve orders regardless of payment status”.
Set the Max Order Age in Days (default is 30 days)
Additional settings are available related to the Sender and Return to address. Edit and apply as necessary to your integration.
When finished filling out the necessary integration info, select “Save New Integration”.
When the integration has been saved, you will see that the connection has been established at the top of the page. XPS Ship pulls orders from the last 30 days that have been paid and are in the statuses you specify.
Available Features
XPS Ship’s integration to Magento supports the following as defined in the Integration Features Glossary