These terms relate to the Common XPS Ship Features table on each eCommerce integration help article.
Customer Emails: XPS Ship will import the customer email address and can send customer shipment notification emails.
Customer Phone Numbers: XPS Ship will import the customer's phone number.
Custom Statuses: This integration allows you to define the Status Mappings for the store connection.
Item Images: XPS Ship will import an image URL for each line item in the order.
Item Options: XPS Ship will import item options (such as color or size) for each line item in the order.
Item Warehouse Location: XPS Ship will import a product stock location for each line item in the order.
Item Weight: XPS Ship will import the weight for each line item in the order.
Notes from Buyer: XPS Ship will import notes left by the customer at the time of checkout.
Order Weight: XPS Ship will import the total order weight from the selling channel.
Requested Service: XPS Ship will import the shipping method chosen by the customer at the time of checkout.
Shipment Update Terms
Carrier: The update XPS Ship sends to the selling channel will include the carrier used for the shipment.
Carrier Fee: The update XPS Ship sends to the selling channel will include the cost for the shipping label.
Service: The update XPS Ship sends to the selling channel will include the shipping service used for the shipment.
Status Update: XPS Ship will update the order on the selling channel to the Shipped, Fulfilled, or Completed status after a shipment is booked.
Tracking Number: The update XPS Ship sends to the selling channel will include the shipment tracking number.